Monday, June 13, 2016

Former Cardinals Playing In Spain 6-13-16: Jesus Ustariz Singles, Doubles, Walks, Homers Twice, & Drives In Six Runs In Two Games

Jesus Ustariz (former Johnson City-Tenerife) started in right field and moved to first base, batting third.  3-for-4 with two home runs, six RBIs, two runs, one walk, and one strikeout.

Tenerife beat San Inazio 11-0 (6/11/16)

Jesus Ustariz (former Johnson City-Tenerife) started at first base and batted third.  1-for-4 with one double, two runs, and one strikeout.

Tenerife beat San Inazio 8-3 (6/11/16)

Mister Baseball

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