Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jupiter Beat Palm Beach 3-2 In Game Two Of Doubleheader: Luke Voit Triples & Drives In One Rune; Bruce Caldwell Knocks In One Run; Thomas Lee Strikes Out One & Allows Two Runs Over Five Innings

Individual Highlights:
Nick Martini 2-for-3 with one run, one hit by pitch, and one stolen base.
Mason Katz 2-for-3 at the plate.
Bruce Caldwell 0-for-3 with one RBI, one run, and one strikeout.
Luke Voit 1-for-3 with one triple, one RBI, and grounded into one double play.
Thomas Lee started and pitched five innings.  He allowed six hits, two earned runs, and struck one out.  (g/f:8-3)

Rough Outing:
Anthony Garcia 0-for-3 and one outfield assist.
Jimmy Bosco 0-for-2 with one walk.
Cesar Valera 0-for-2 with one sacrifice.
Dante Rosenberg 0-for-3 and allowed one stolen base.
Iden Nazario entered in the sixth and pitched one inning.  He allowed two hits and one earned run for the losing decision (5-1).  (g/f:0-2)


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